Astro Nobel
Remove Data
Cloud Storage
Astro Nobel allows you to mirror your data in our cloud storage. If you use this functionality, you can keep your data through different reinstalls of the application. You could also sync your charts information between the different platforms our application runs.
If you want to sync your data, go to the main many and choose sync data. The application will request the creation of a user the first time to associate with your data.
Remove Charts
Inside Astro Nobel you can delete your charts one by one. If you want to delete a Chart, go to My Charts option in the main menu, select the chart that you want to remove, and then click the delete button. This will remove the chart from your local device, and if you are syncing data in the cloud, it will also remove it from cloud storage.
Request bulk deletion
If you want to remove all the data that is stored in the cloud, without having to do this one by one, you can write an email to and we will assist with the deletion. This will only remove your data from the cloud, but your information will continue stored in your local device.